Joomla Development

Joomla is a popular Content Management System (CMS). Whereas WordPress is essentially a blog, and Magento a shop, Joomla is ideal for creating on-line brochures, working with user-generated content, and the entry and display of most types of data.

Bespoke template development

We can code your site to look exactly as you want it to, or make any tweaks you want making to your current design. Any aspects of the site you need to update yourself can be made editable via the site's administration area.

Bespoke extensions - modules, plug-ins and components

If your Joomla site doesn't quite work as you want it to, or you have ideas for extensions you would like, we can write you bespoke modules and components to meet your exact requirements.

Joomla has been designed with a strong framework to help with the development of extensions, and professional extensions should always be coded within this.

Patching and maintenance

As with all open-source software, it is important to keep on top of security updates. We can apply patches, and fix any bugs for you.

Joomla development
Magento design and build
Joomla development
Static design and build
Magento design and build
Magento design and build
Joomla development
Joomla development