Web Development

We work primarily in PHP-based web development and can help you with any coding requirements you may have, whether that be a new website, bespoke extensions or tweaks to your existing site.

We build all types of websites, from simple on-line brochures through to magazines and shops.

Our code is always tested with the W3C HTML5 and CSS3 validators.

Manage your own site with a CMS

A Content Management System (CMS) allows a user to update the content on their site via a simple Word-style editor, with no coding skills required. We specialise in Joomla, Wordpress and Magento development, though do have experience in several other CMSs.

We believe it is important to pick the right CMS for the right job. For example, whilst WordPress is very good for a blog, it isn't as good as Magento for a shop. We can help you pick the most sensible CMS for your requirements.

Optimise your site for mobile phones and tablets

Responsive and Adaptive Design are the techniques used to display an optimised version of your website to users on different sized screens. This approach now has the additional benefit that Google give favour to such sites when someone is searching from their mobile.

Optimise your site for search engines

Whilst most SEO work is based off-site (see "web marketing"), we aim to build sites to meet Google's Webmaster Guidelines so that all pages of your site should have the best possible chance of ranking well.

Bespoke widgets and plug-ins

Whilst the free plug-ins out there can work well enough for a non-professional build, they can often not be quite right in terms of looks and functionality. We can build you bespoke extensions that work exactly as you want them to.

Work with your designer

If you already have a design, but need someone to build it for you, then we can do the coding work. We have worked with several designers this way.

We also provide a complete web design service.

Static design and build currycuisinecookeryschool.co.uk
Joomla development bestvpndeals.co.uk
Magento design and build currycuisine.co.uk
Magento design and build organicdaisy.co.uk
Static design and build edstogether.co.uk
Joomla development hhs.co.uk
Joomla development moonbar.co.uk
Magento design and build pinksun.co.uk